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News - Recuro Health - Page 6 Skip to main content


BlogClientsNewsPress Release
December 7, 2021

Recuro Health Receives Investment by DeepWork Capital and GPG Ventures

Proceeds to Accelerate Growth, Marketing and Expanded Capabilities in Digital Health Recuro Health is proud to announce that the company has received additional investment through its partnerships with DeepWork Capital and GPG Ventures, bringing total raised capital to $22 million. This funding will be used to accelerate Recuro’s growth in key markets and expand commercialization of its integrated digital platform…
BlogClientsNewsPress Release
December 6, 2021

Preparing Employers For COVID-19 OSHA Mandates

Recuro Health Hosts Complimentary Webinar Essential Tools to Help Employers Ensure a Safe and Healthy Workplace Register Now Managing OSHA Mandates for COVID-19 Tracking & Testing Supporting Compliance in the Workplace Tuesday, December 14, 2021 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (EST) Webinar registration: Press Release: To support employers with insight, guidance and proposed solutions, Recuro Health, in partnership…
October 4, 2021

Recuro Proud to Support 2021 SIIA Annual Meeting: Recuro CEO Michael Gorton Participates on Visionary Panel Exploring Future of Digital Health   

Recuro Proud to Support 2021 SIIA Annual Meeting: Recuro CEO Michael Gorton Participates on Visionary Panel Exploring Future of Digital Health SIIA’s 41st Annual National Educational Conference, October 3-5, 2021, Austin, TX was a great opportunity for Recuro Health to support SIIA and for Recuro’s rollout to employers of its multi-prong digital health solution, including COVID-19 antigen testing and vaccine tracking status capabilities. On a voluntary basis to all attendees, Recuro provided rapid COVID-19 antigen tests and a component to track testing status. A…