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Follow the money: North Texas startups raised more than $135M in August - Recuro Health Skip to main content

Follow the money: North Texas startups raised more than $135M in August

Follow the money: North Texas startups raised more than $135M in August

By Kevin Cummings – NTX Inno Staff Writer

In late July, Abe Minkara, a former Mark Cuban Companies exec and Legacy Knight founding partner, told the Dallas Business Journal that “there’s a lot of opportunity to become an entrepreneur in Dallas right now… there’s still a lot of capital out there.” That statement seems prescient with all of the startup and investor funding that took place in August. Last month at least 12 startups and tech companies raised funding totaling more than $135 million in investments. That amount was led by a $32.5 million private stock sale by Applied Blockchain and a $31.9 million Series A round for Veryable. Investors mirrored the fundraising activity pulling in more than $396 million for investment vehicles. Other firms like Fort Worth’s biotech-focused Bios Partners and emerging tech firm Dallas Venture Partners announced new funds.

The reality is that millions of Americans live in medically urban underserved areas and some 46 million Americans live in rural areas, which is 15 percent of the population. Together, they make up a substantial percentage of the American population who can benefit from telehealth because they experience these critical healthcare services shortages.

For starters, telehealth is helping rural and medically underserved communities tackle critical health issues because it can be accessed from anywhere and at any time, providing connectivity to a large network of healthcare professionals and serving patients no matter where they live or their circumstance.

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