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Is There a Difference Between Psychological and Physical Addiction? All Points North - Recuro Health Skip to main content
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Is There a Difference Between Psychological and Physical Addiction? All Points North

By August 18, 2023April 2nd, 2024No Comments

It’s important to note that physical addiction and psychological addiction are closely intertwined. While physical addiction primarily involves the body’s physiological response, psychological addiction encompasses the difference between mdma ecstasy and molly the emotional and mental aspects of addiction. Several factors contribute to the development of physical addiction. One key factor is the repeated exposure to the substance or behavior over an extended period.

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  1. Discover the substance abuse counselor job description and embark on a rewarding career helping others overcome addiction.
  2. Consequently, people suffering from psychological dependence will spend excess time obtaining drugs, using the drugs, and recovering from the side effects of the drugs.
  3. In summary, the DSM-V incorporates elements of both psychological and physical addiction into the diagnosis of a substance use disorder and does not prioritize one over the other.
  4. In this section, we will explore the different treatment approaches for psychological addiction, physical addiction, and the integrated treatment for individuals with a dual diagnosis.

This could include the development of tolerance, experiencing withdrawal symptoms, physical cravings, or the development of medical disease due to substance use. Physical addiction, also referred to as physiological addiction, involves a physical dependence on a substance. In this type of addiction, the body adapts to the presence of the substance and experiences withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued or reduced. Addiction refers to a complex and chronic condition characterized by the compulsive engagement in a particular behavior or the use of a substance, despite negative consequences.

Psychological dependence only

For instance, an individual who has used benzodiazepines for years to deal with chronic insomnia can become physically addicted without experiencing uncontrollable urges. It’s also possible for a person to be psychologically addicted to a substance only. The mind and body can’t be separated when examining all kinds of behaviour including behaviour in regards to substance abuse and process addiction like compulsive gambling. Psychological addiction revolves around one’s behavior, and is defined as a compulsion or perceived need to use drugs and alcohol. Individuals who suffer psychological addiction often use drugs and alcohol to satisfy themselves emotionally and mentally, and to stave off feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress.

The opioid crisis is so bad that the U.S. government declared a public health emergency. If you develop a tolerance to a substance, it becomes less effective for you. For example, if you take a sedative to sleep, it may work very well at the first dose. When you first start drinking alcohol, it may have taken only a few drinks for you to feel drunk.

Physical addiction is influenced by various biological factors, including the impact of addictive substances on the brain and the body’s response to prolonged exposure. Over the period of a psychological addiction, users are also likely to experience the feeling of denial, mental health issues, psychological impairment and cognitive weaknesses. A psychological addiction is very dangerous, as irreversible changes can be caused on a cognitive basis, where the ability to produce happy chemicals will dwindle. This is where the vicious circle of drug and alcohol abuse can heighten, as those chemicals are required to continue a high-quality life. Discover effective cocaine addiction treatment options and find hope for a sober future.

It could include prescription drugs, over-the-counter products, street drugs, alcohol, even nicotine. It is important to note that the process of withdrawal from physical dependence should be approached with caution and under the guidance of medical professionals. Abruptly stopping certain drugs, particularly those that cause severe physical dependence, can lead to dangerous health consequences. The severity and duration of withdrawal symptoms can vary widely, ranging from mild discomfort to potentially life-threatening conditions. It is important to note that physical dependence can occur with both legal prescription medications and illicit substances.

Psychological Addiction Explained

But over time, you may need more drinks, more often, for the same effect. Medical detox involves the use of prescription and over the counter medications to help people throughout the detox process. Professional detox centers may even be able to eliminate many withdrawal symptoms, making the process as easy and as comfortable as possible.

Getting Help for Physical and/or Psychological Addiction

This typically involves addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of dependence. Addressing both physical and psychological dependence is crucial for successful recovery. Treatment approaches that focus solely on one aspect may not effectively address the complexities of drug dependence. Instead, a comprehensive and holistic approach that combines medical interventions, counseling, therapy, and support systems is often necessary. The criteria for substance abuse focused more on the legal, social, and occupational consequences of substance use. It implied that people could have psychological problems with addictive drugs even if they were not physically dependent, such as a binge drinker who never experienced withdrawal symptoms or tolerance.

Symptoms of Physical Addiction

When it comes to treating addiction, you need to find an addiction treatment program that addresses both the physical and psychological components of this disease. At Gateway, we offer evidence-based treatment that we tailor to your exact needs, depending on the severity of your addiction. Those with severe psychological addiction become consumed with their drug of choice. These substances become the central focus of their life, to the detriment of relationships, jobs and overall health. The definition of physical dependence refers almost exclusively to the physical ramifications of addiction characterized by the symptoms of tolerance and withdrawal. To truly get the most from your addiction treatment, you need to be able to understand the dynamics, so ongoing education and aftercare help is a huge part of getting clean.

Matthew Erickson

Author Matthew Erickson

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