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National Diabetes Month 2022: Successfully Managing Diabetes Through Virtual Care Solutions - Recuro Health Skip to main content

Diabetes Awareness Month 2022

National Diabetes Month 2022: Successfully Managing Diabetes Through Virtual Care Solutions that Support Health Care Teams

November is National Diabetes Month, a time when communities across the country bring attention to this disease that affects, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), more than 37 million Americans, including adults and youth. This year’s theme and focus is on managing diabetes through the support of building health care teams.

People with diabetes benefit from virtual care options that can be scaled to provide access to a wide range of providers, healthcare services and diagnostics that enable remote monitoring, which is especially important for chronic condition management.

Members are virtually connected with clinical care teams consisting of a dedicated primary care physicians, nutritionists and board-certified diabetes educators who work collaboratively to deliver holistic care focused on personalized health and wellness. Also including are educational resources and a portal for managing prescription, lab orders and a range of at-home testing of blood sugar and other diagnostic capabilities.

As a component of Recuro’s Digital Medical Home™, diabetic care is also provided though Recuro’s Virtual Primary Care (VPC). A “virtual visit” is established through a computer or smartphone. Patients interact virtually with their care teams through multiple communication channels, including real-time video, mobile and secure messaging. This provides numerous conveniences and benefits to delivering cost-efficient, quality care.

VPC starts with the member selecting a dedicated primary care provider and building an ongoing relationship with a dedicated care team. From the annual check-up and ongoing wellness needs, to managing chronic conditions and more complex challenges, members are connected to trusted medical care and personalized support. Recuro primary care providers are board-certified in family practice, internal medicine and related specialties, and have specific experience building relationships with patients in a primary care setting. Experienced care team of registered nurses, medical assistants and care coordinators provide additional support and coordinate collaborative care throughout the member’s care journey.

Why choose our Condition Management solution?

Chronic diseases such as diabetes put a strain on individuals, families and businesses. Of the $3 trillion spent on healthcare 70% of utilization is attributed to contributing lifestyle and behavioral factors including poor diet, lack of exercise and use of drugs and alcohol. 60 % of adults in the U.S. have at least one chronic disease and 40 percent of adults have two or more chronic diseases. Total costs in lost productivity due to the top seven chronic diseases in 2016 equaled $3.7 trillion. The proven ROI of a condition management solution is demonstrated at more than $3,000 per patient per year. Providing a single-entry point to personalized, integrated care helps to solve the problems associated with multiple-point solutions and sub-optimal patient engagement. Robust clinical solutions offer a multi-channel, patient-centric and comprehensive virtual first care approach to enhancing well-being for the best possible medical outcomes and lower costs. To learn more about what features of Chronic Care are included in our VPC solution, read more here or click the button below…
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We help the world’s top companies succeed with today’s healthcare technologies, driving value for payers, providers and patients and throughout the healthcare ecosystem.

Recuro would like to share more on the capabilities, quality improvement and cost containment this exciting solution brings to payers and their member experience. Please visit and contact us at [email protected] for a virtual demo.

About Recuro Health

Recuro is an integrated digital health solutions company with a uniquely personalized, holistic and proactive approach to virtual health. Recuro’s Digital Medical Home™ enables easy connectivity to virtual care, including primary and urgent care, behavioral health, at-home lab testing, genomics testing, as well as a suite of supplemental benefits spanning pharmacy, care management and care navigation all on one platform.

Recuro Health

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