
Recuro Health is dedicated to the idea that together we can and will transform a reactive sick care system into a truly proactive health care platform. At the end of the day, our brand is about putting our members in contact with quality physicians that can tailor each patient’s plan to their individual needs.

Mission Statement

Recuro is lowering costs and improving outcomes through our pre-emptive, Digital Medical Home™

Why Our Branding Matters:

Our brand should communicate the same innovation and presence that our members expect of a trusted healthcare company. To help align our identity, we have constructed this brand guide to communicate our shared vision. Our brand should therefore convey 3 core pillars: institutional trust, scientific innovation and healthcare personalization. All fonts, colors, and photos have been chosen to reflect these ideals.


We use three versions of the Recuro logo that are optimized for various sizes: a vertical version, a horizontal version, and a favicon logo symbol.

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Proportions & Scaling

Vertical Logo:

The vertical version of the logo should be used on large-scale implementations, including signage, t-shirts, etc. This logo can also be displayed alone, or within a white circle when applied on top of a dark/complex background.

Horizontal Logo:

Use regularly when the vertical logo cannot fit within a given layout. Never scale below 30px.

One-liner Logo:

Use only if layout makes absolutely necessary.


App icons & avatars (can be blown up as background treatments).


As Recuro grows it’s service offerings and members, our organization will naturally need to expand as well. Consequently, all acquisitions or sub-divisions must have some visual identifier that calls upon Recuro’s parent brand. To the right, you will find an example of such treatments.

Cobranding with Recuro


The position of the term “Powered by Recuro” should fit around the existing logo lockup, so long as it maintains a consistent distance as identified by the “A” in the subtext.


It is essential that we adhere to web accessibility standards when using our palette. We adhere to AA standards. Located to the right are AA approved variations of how the Recuro logo should be treated on a light-to-dark gradient scale. Essentially, all logos and fonts applied ontop of a light background should use dark treatments. Whereas, all logos and fonts applied onto of a dark background should use light treatments to provide contrast.

Logos & Accessibility

Light Backgrounds:

Pay close attention to the contrast ratio created when placing our light logo on top of a dark background. You want to ensure that there is enough distinction between the background and foreground elements

Dark Backgrounds:

For dark backgrounds you may either use the full white or dual-tone white logos. It is critical that the gradient in the logo symbol not blend into the surrounding background color. Use the full white logo when in doubt.


Our color palette consists of 6 values, along with their respective set of tints and shades (not shown here). The palette is flexible as it allows for numerous color schemes ranging from functional and clean to fun and dynamic. The primary colors should be kept light-and-bright so as to reflect a clean/modern look-and-feel, as one would expect from a healthcare brand. Secondary darker colors are to be used as supporting elements – including layout diversity.

Monochromatic Colors

CYMK 100/97/34/24
RGB 36/36/89
HEX #242459
CYMK 80/82/0/0
RGB 81/75/163
HEX #514BA3
CYMK 63/57/0/0
RGB 121/122/210
HEX #797AD2
CYMK 36/29/0/0
RGB 159/171/233
CYMK 19/14/0/0
RGB 199/208/249
CYMK 9/6/0/0
RGB 227/233/255
CYMK 3/2/0/0
RGB 245/246/255
Gradient 1
CYMK 80/82/0/0 63/57/0/0
RGB 81/75/163 121/122/210
HEX #514BA3 #797AD2
Gradient 2
CYMK 70/73/0/0 56/62/0/0
RGB 102/83/206 143/110/233
HEX #6653CE #8f6EE9


Optimal formating is important for readability. Take care to note the hierarchy of the typeramp, as it is a balance of size, weight, and font styles. Here we have paired serif and sans-serif fonts.

Download Fonts

Font Family & Hierarchy


When combined, the juxtaposition of the two serif and sans-serif fonts creates a sense of establishment, trust, and legitimacy – core elements that directly influence our brand’s perception and reputation in the marketplace.


Letting, kerning, and line length play a crutial part in creating consistency across the brand. Take care to set body copy at optimal lengths, the headline length should follow suit.

Type Ramp & Formatting


H1 Headlines should never exceed a maximum of 5-10 words so as to retain their scale. Scale is very important in order to ground the weight of the body copy. Instead apply lengthier headlines as an H2 or H3 elements beneath the H1 call-out.


Clean, minimal, and single subject photography defines the Recuro brand. All photos should include a cool-tone (or a blue hue). Backgrounds should include negative space so as to allow content to be overlayed ontop of photos. The link below will take you to our library of photography – please note: these photos have not yet been color corrected, nor cut out from their backgrounds. These photos should purely be used for visual reference. Please contact [email protected] for any photo editing assistance.

View Library

Clean, Minimal, Whitespace

Isolated Subjects:

When possible, cut out subjects to have a clean background.

Mobile Devices:

When possible, photography should include mobile devices.

Natural & Candid:

Patient photography should be positive, inviting, and candid.

Diversity & Inclusion:

Diverse photos should always be used to reflect real-life subjects.

Minimal Backgrounds:

Backgrounds should be minimal and have a primary focus.

What to Avoid:

Avoid complex backgrounds, stylized warm colors, or photos with multiple subjects.


Device mockups should be used in juxtaposition with photography of either members of physicians. Avoid using unrealistic mockups. Mobile devices, laptops, or tablets should either have a white or silver frame.

App Screens & Mockups


Backgrounds should effectively utilize negative space and rest ontop of a solid color. Avoid showing screenshots of the Recuro app within dark or black devices.


The Recuro brand utilizes 2 distinct icon styles – Duotone Icons, and Font Awesome icons. White both libraries are extensive we have direct control over the duotone icon set. These icons can be customized and built to communicate conceptual ideas across marketing materials. The Font Awesome library should be used for mobile and web applications when available. The library offers a variety of icon styles – however when possible, please use the “Light” weight font set so as to mimic our other icons across UI elements.

Dualtone LibraryFont Library

Icon Libraries & Line Weight

Dualtone Icons:

Full Icon Library: www.flaticon.com/authors/icongeek26/outline-colour 

Font Awesome Icons:

Full Icon Library: https://fontawesome.com/v5/cheatsheet/pro/light


Layering elements plays a huge part in various Recuro layout treatments. Overlapping geometric shapes create a sense of depth and movement. Below are some commone elements which are used throught the branding.

Styling & Treatments


In order to create a consistency across all web and print material, Recuro utilizes a rigid grid system to establish what is known as a Fibonacci sequence of content.

Balanced Grid System

Fibonacci Sequence:

The Fibonacci sequence is a design system based on mathematical balance. As a result, the audience feels at peace, even if a layout may appear asymmetrical. The sequence itself begins with 1 and scales exponentially spiraling outwards – thus increasing in size and simplicity.


All buttons should contain rounded corners. Depending on the size of the CTA button, the rounded corners may vary depending on scale. A good rule of thumb is for regular buttons, set the border-radius to 100%. For larger buttons, set the border-radius to 5px. Large CTAs should be used seldomly as they are reserved for higher visibility landing page conversions.

CTAs & Rounded Corners

Large CTA: Static
Large CTA: Hover
Regular Button: Static

All static buttons should be transparent with a solid stroke. All regular buttons should have 100% rounded corners.

Regular Button: Hover

All button hover states should be a direct inversion of their static colors. Interior padding on all buttons should be maintained.