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Recuro Acquires Genomics Risk Stratification Tool: Expanding Capabilities for Personalized Care and Streamlining Full Continuum of Care - Recuro Health Skip to main content

Recuro Acquires Genomics Risk Stratification Tool: Expanding Capabilities for Personalized Care and Streamlining Full Continuum of Care

Recuro Acquires Genomics Risk Stratification Tool: Expanding Capabilities for Personalized Care and Streamlining Full Continuum of Care

Genetic testing has been available for several years. Consumer genomics is very popular now with the medically focused use of genetic testing growing rapidly at the same time. In 2020, the genetic marketing trend exceeded $14.8 billion and is expected to have a 11-13% annual growth rate in 2021-2027.

The industry’s growth is attributable to the increasing prevalence of chronic disorders and more people becoming aware of genetic testing efficacy in the United States. The leading causes of disability and death in the U.S. include chronic conditions and disorders such as arthritis, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke.

As part of this trend, we recently acquired MyLegacy, a risk stratification tool and clinical decision support application which uses proprietary algorithms based on practice guidelines developed by the Cleveland Clinic Genomic Medicine Institute. This acquisition further increases our scope and capabilities pairing automated genetic data gathering with complex care planning to save time, make care more precise and streamline the full continuum of care.

This rich genetic and genomic risk stratification supports the Recuro integrated digital approach to disease management. By integrating these software tools, Recuro helps employers and payers ascertain complex and chronic diseases that tend to run in families like cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and depression. Access to this data supports the work of coordinators who may not have access to important genetic risk factors or genetic testing results.

Building comprehensive individual genetic and familial profiles on individuals is typically a very manual process. Normally, genetic assessment is laser-focused on a single disease area, like cancer or in the new area of cardiogenomics, and critical information is commonly missing across the patient’s multiple disease conditions.

Trends in Genetic Testing

Genetic testing is essential to help patients learn whether they have inherited a genetic mutation that could lead to illness. There are potential benefits whether results are positive or negative, that include providing a sense of relief or assisting people with making informed decisions about their healthcare or whether to have children.

Currently, there are a host of genetic tests and types of genomics to help patients figure out their genetic predisposition to certain conditions. For example, there is pharmacogenomics which is the use of a genetic test to determine how genes affect a person’s response to drugs.

There is breast cancer genetic testing and a colon cancer genetic test. In addition, there is hereditary cancer and cardiovascular genetic testing to determine the risk of developing one of these serious conditions. Also, there is nutrigenomics which is a genetic test to help determine human nutrition and genetics using DNA-based nutrition recommendations.

In cancer genetic research, there are two significant trends: liquid biopsies to determine if someone is diagnosed with cancer and screening asymptomatic people for cancer with one simple blood draw.

Our My Legacy acquisition will integrate family history and genomic data into our full precision medicine platform. By identifying risk early and not waiting for episodic care, we can immediately impact patient care coordination. More genetic data enables precise care planning for preventive care that leads to better outcomes, patient engagement and satisfaction. Our solution is now positioned to increase health while reducing costs and offers a more holistic management of patients along their care continuum.

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Recuro Health

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