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Spotlight Interview: John Halsey, Chief Growth Officer, Recuro & Michael Brombach, Executive Director, Recuro - Recuro Health Skip to main content

Spotlight Interview: John Halsey, Chief Growth Officer, Recuro & Michael Brombach, Executive Director, Recuro

Spotlight Interview: John Halsey, Chief Growth Officer, Recuro & Michael Brombach, Executive Director, Recuro

Medical Travel Digital Health News (MTDHN): First, tell our readers why Recuro’s COVID-19 PCR rapid testing is a vital component of every employer’s back-to-work strategy – what are the key issues that employers should be looking at?

The follow up to this discussion is Recuro’s role with the travel industry and why the testing is critical for passengers returning to the U.S.

John Halsey (JH): As employers develop COVID-19 back-to-work strategies for their workforces, they can leverage our discreet apps to create a solution for rapid testing that addresses the challenges.

Specific to COVID-19, we’ve created a systematized way to integrate a physician order for testing, distribution, administration and validating results. When appropriate, even observation and documentation of the specimen collection within a unified context, or in our case an application environment, provides that systematized approach — whether it’s a smartphone device or a web-based interface.

MTDHN:  Tell the readers about the solution itself – describe the app.
Michael Brombach (MB): Recuro is enabling the employer’s back-to-work strategy.

Employers are trying to think through how to bring people back to work safely. This is a risk-miss mitigation opportunity: bring the workforce back and do it safely.

Employers want to make everyone comfortable and do so in a manner that is compliant. Our solution enables and empowers all of this – basically with one specific employer activation code for the app.

The process goes as follows:

  1. The patient (employee) can sign up and order a COVID-19 PCR test.  They, get a physician order for a COVID-19 test through the application and the physician authorizes the testing process.
  2. The patient takes the test. Then there’s photo verification and feedback opportunity to confirm if the results are positive or negative.
  3. Patient then takes a picture of that test which gets sent back to the employer for verification.
  4. The employer and the patient get to see the results.

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