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Teladoc Founder’s Startup Brings Patient Monitoring Home - Recuro Health Skip to main content

Teladoc Founder’s Startup Brings Patient Monitoring Home

Teladoc Founder’s Startup Brings Patient Monitoring Home

By Dane Hamilton

Michael Gorton, who co-founded and led Teladoc Health two decades ago, is betting his next venture, Recuro Health, is going to be as transformative to the healthcare delivery system as Teladoc, a now-$23 billion company which set off a wave of innovation in the telehealth space in recent years.

The Dallas-based startup, which is set to close on a $12 million Series A round of venture capital financing this month, is posited on the view that the healthcare system could save billions of dollars a year through the extensive use of digital health monitoring to catch potential diseases before they appear, says Gorton.

The basic concept of Recuro is to use regular patient monitoring of essential body functions like blood pressure and sugar levels, cardiac function and body weight trends, bolstered by genomic testing to determine the patient’s propensity for diseases like cancer, the CEO says. He compares it to the evolution of sensor technology in modern automobiles that help an owner know when to take their vehicle in for servicing before it develops serious mechanical problems.

“We take care of our cars, but not our bodies,” says Gorton. “We should be applying technology that we have today to stay ahead of the curve and keep people healthy a lot longer.”

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