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Top 6 Ways Virtual Primary Care Manages Ongoing Conditions Skip to main content

Top 6 Ways Virtual Primary Care Manages Ongoing Conditions

Top 6 Ways Virtual Primary Care Manages Ongoing Conditions

With Virtual Primary Care, patients are more empowered to manage ongoing conditions. For people living with chronic health issues such as diabetes, hypertension, or asthma, consistent, compassionate care is essential. However, most healthcare systems can be difficult to navigate. Did you know that 60% of the U.S. adult population has at least one chronic disease? More chronic disease means more time off work for regular treatment. In fact, in 2016, the total cost of lost productivity due to the Top 7 Chronic Diseases equaled $3.7 Trillion dollars… Living with a chronic condition is a lot to manage, from finding a doctor you can trust to getting the tests and screenings you need. As you manage your health with Virtual Primary Care, you’ll have compassionate support to stay on track, get personalized care when you need it most, and avoid the unnecessary hassle of commute times and waiting rooms.

Ongoing conditions also affect business owners. Employers need innovative care strategies that keep members with chronic conditions, healthier. Our VPC offering INCLUDES chronic condition management, an award-winning feature that supports members by delivering intelligent, real-time data and coaching. Best of all, it’s device agnostic! Here’s the Top 6 Ways our VPC solution can help patients manage any ongoing conditions:

1.) Prioritizing Regular Checkups:

Getting in to see your doctor can be tough when you factor in doctor office hours, commutes, taking time off from work and a lot more. Through regular virtual visits with your doctor, you will be able to stay on top of your health condition and make adjustments as needed so that you’re feeling healthy and strong.

2.) Providing Overall Health Support:

There is no substitute for seeing a doctor when you are feeling unwell. Because of this, we make it easy for you to get the care you need. Whether you need help managing a chronic disease or working towards specific health goals, your virtual primary care physician is here to help.

3.) Ordering Screenings and Lab Tests:

The importance of knowing what’s going on in your body cannot be overstated. Screenings and lab tests can help you understand what’s going on and determine other factors that could be affecting your health. Managing these labs through coordinated primary care is essential to create a whole picture.

4.) Monitoring and Managing Medications:

Managing medication alone can be challenging. When your medication isn’t working for you, your doctor can help you understand the side effects, recognize potential drug interactions, and readjust your medication. If you have any concerns or questions about something you’re taking, just schedule an appointment with your virtual primary physician! Waiting rooms, or scheduling appointments weeks in advance are a thing of the past with Recuro’s VPC offering.

5.) Obtaining Specialized Referrals:

You can work with your doctor to coordinate your care so that you are seeing exactly who you need to see. This may be for your mental health or to see a specialist for something specific. Consult with an OB/GYN, a dermatologist, a fertility specialist, or a mental health professional! If you need a more specialized form of care, one of our doctors will coordinate it for you.

6.) Planning a Personalized Approach:

Managing an ongoing health condition alone can be isolating and overwhelming. Your situation might not be relatable to everyone. When you have the right virtual care team behind you, you can feel confident and set up for success. Recuro Health’s care team is here to empower, educate, and support you so that you can make the best choices for your health.

Contact [email protected] for a demo of our VPC offering. Together we can conquer your ongoing conditions – one day at a time.

Recuro Health

Author Recuro Health

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